Inspired Silence

Poems & Excerpts – Seeing and writing, thinking and doing

Tag: Sun

  • Eternal Equality

    And in the east the fire-orange glow creeps over the horizon, touching mountaintops with its silent warm fingers, leaving valleys chilled in the forgetful fog of night. The merging of two worlds, repeated as it has for eons, and newborn fresh even still. Somewhere, at any given time, this dance continues, with night telling day,…

  • Sun Chaser

    Sun Chaser

    Almost landing in LA. It’s strange – Ever since I was a child I have thought that if someone wanted to, they could fly west, indefinitely following the sun. Today I am a sun chaser. Soaking in the light and life of something I will never come close to, never really comprehend its power, and…

  • August 5, 2012 – Journal Entry

    August 5, 2012 – Journal Entry

    On the train to Gatwick – Reading a book on one man’s journey through Africa – I pause to look out the window. Viewing the pastoral stillness of lush fields after a rain – that crisp, sweet feeling as the sun emerges. Then, as if some mutation, housing developments, red-brick boxes sprouting from fertile ground.…