Inspired Silence

Poems & Excerpts – Seeing and writing, thinking and doing

Category: Travel

  • August 5, 2012 – Journal Entry

    August 5, 2012 – Journal Entry

    On the train to Gatwick – Reading a book on one man’s journey through Africa – I pause to look out the window. Viewing the pastoral stillness of lush fields after a rain – that crisp, sweet feeling as the sun emerges. Then, as if some mutation, housing developments, red-brick boxes sprouting from fertile ground.…

  • London, or Charming Dirty/Cleanliness

    London, or Charming Dirty/Cleanliness

    Arriving in London, I am instantly enamored by it all. Weighted down with 40kgs worth of luggage, I feel light and free – I could live here… Take the underground everywhere, suck up the rain like a dried sponge. I’m standing on a train bound for Charing Cross Station and I notice a man discretely…

  • T.I.A.


    Heard gunshots outside bedroom window last night… 11 of them, but they seemed far off. While standing on the balcony listening for more shots amid the responding cacophony of a hundred dogs, I saw a shooting star, and in that brief moment realized how small we are beneath the heavens. In Africa, as in elsewhere,…